WWT Slimbridge sightings 20 to 23 August 2006

Sedge Warbler 21 August 2006 M.J.McGill. Despite searching for 1.5 hours the Aquatic had gone. A night with a long clear spell and rain later had cleared out some birds and brought in more. A fall of Reed and Sedge Warbler had also occurred with at least 30 of the latter present. We spent a lot of time looking at this species over the weekend along with around 300 birders, thanks to their generosity we raised nearly £600.00, much needed money which will go toward the reserve management. It was hard work for staff and volunteers with very long days involved, thanks to all who helped out. I am glad to have met some good people with a great attitude when trying to locate this hard to see bird. Only a few problems arose and I was happy with this well behaved event where the vast majority worked with us and listened to our on-site requests.
23 August 2006 On the high tide 2 juvenile Knot, 4 Sanderling, 100 Dunlin and 100+Ringed Plover were joined by 28 Great Black-backed Gull, 3 Yellow-legged Gull and 13 Little Egret, a juvenile Wheatear was at Middle Point.
The Top New Piece had 4 Green Sandpiper plus at least 2 Little ringed Plover, there may have been more. Another brief search on a hunch quickly produced a very young short-billed juvenile Water Rail along the back edge of the marsh (actually along the ditch edge under the fence) which could possibly be the reported Spotted Crake. Without speaking to the observer it will be difficult to work out if it was this bird or there is a crake present as well. The Tack Piece had 3 Green Sandpiper and South Lake was reliable with 1 Spotted Redshank, 130 Black-tailed Godwit and 19 Redshank. The Greater Scaup, 30 Shovleler and 150 Teal swelled the numbers.
22 August 2006 The Top New Piece had 5 juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 5 Green Sandpiper and a Snipe but no sign of the Spotted Crake. Four Black-tailed Skimmer were on the wing here with Common and Ruddy Darter out and about again and the many Migrant Hawkers also on the wing.
21 August 2006 A Spotted Crake was reported from the Top New Piece, I understand that it was in the far left hand corner of the marsh near the fence but despite searching until dark we never managed to find it. Patient vigils from the Zeiss hide is needed from any visiting birders as this speceis is notorious for being elusive. 4 Little-ringed Plover, 12 Greenshank and a juvenile Ruff were present though.
No sign of the Aquatic Warbler but 2 Whinchat, 7 Yellow Wagtail, 30 Sedge and 20 Reed Warbler present. At least 3 Wheatear were seen along the foreshore.
3 Knot, 2 Turnstone, the Little Stint, 120 Ringed Plover, 150 Dunlin and a Sanderling were on the river.
20 August 2006 The Aquatic Warbler was observed from 0720 until early afternoon when the wind picked up and it did not show for the rest of the day. Hobby, Kingfisher, 6 Common Tern and 2 Whinchat were also around. At 0930 a juvenile Marsh Harrier flew over us after Neil Smart had initially picked it up over the 100 Acre, it headed off North. Nick Goatman had an Osprey over the canal area which headed off east at 0800.
Little Stint, 1 Turnstone, 2 Knot were on the river river with 2 juvenile Ruff and a Greenshank on the Top New Piece.
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