WWT Slimbridge sightings 17 August 2006
17 August 2006 The day began overcast with the rain arriving at 1030, the torrential downpour brought many new birds. On the river from Middle Point at 0700 a flock of 110 Ringed Plover and 80 Dunlin were feeding with 3 Greenshank flying downriver, a Spotted Redshank and Little-ringed Plover were heard. At least 10 Little Egret were about the creeks.
At 1320-1400 a flock of 100+ Ringed Plover, 140 Dunlin, 1 Sanderling, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Ruff, 1 Knot and what is probably the largest number of adult Curlew Sandpiper ever recorded on the reserve with at least 17 seen. Nearly all retained some form of breeding plumage. All were viewable near to the hide. A Golden Plover was heard, this was the third day in a row it has been present.
At the centre reedbed/car park hedge a male Redstart fed on berries along with 20+warblers. Around the hedges Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Common Whitethroat were all seen. Of the commoner species 20 Sedge Warbler and many Reed Warbler (still feeding young) joined Chiffchaff and Blackcap, more careful scrutiny would turn up much more.
The Tack Piece had 3 Green Sandpiper with 10 on the Rushy back pond. A juvenile Garganey was on the pool next to the Holden Tower, this bird was also seen yesterday.
South Lake had a male Ruff, leucistic Lapwing with 250 regular birds, 2 Green Sandpiper, 21 Redshank, 140 Black-tailed Godwit, Greater Scaup and the adult Spotted Redshank was joined by a juvenile. The Top New Piece had an amazing response to the flash flooding with 400 duck and a variety of waders feasting on the food bonanza. 2 juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 43 Ringed Plover, 40 Dunlin, 6 Green Sandpiper, a Greenshank, 5 Snipe and 2 Curlew were seen.
Although not near the hides the dam and ditch construction work on the Bottom New Piece during the day produced a tame Kingfisher and Cetti's Warbler as well as flyover Snipe and Greenshanks. Yesterday the same birds were seen here with 3 Common Tern over also.
At 1320-1400 a flock of 100+ Ringed Plover, 140 Dunlin, 1 Sanderling, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Ruff, 1 Knot and what is probably the largest number of adult Curlew Sandpiper ever recorded on the reserve with at least 17 seen. Nearly all retained some form of breeding plumage. All were viewable near to the hide. A Golden Plover was heard, this was the third day in a row it has been present.
At the centre reedbed/car park hedge a male Redstart fed on berries along with 20+warblers. Around the hedges Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Common Whitethroat were all seen. Of the commoner species 20 Sedge Warbler and many Reed Warbler (still feeding young) joined Chiffchaff and Blackcap, more careful scrutiny would turn up much more.
The Tack Piece had 3 Green Sandpiper with 10 on the Rushy back pond. A juvenile Garganey was on the pool next to the Holden Tower, this bird was also seen yesterday.
South Lake had a male Ruff, leucistic Lapwing with 250 regular birds, 2 Green Sandpiper, 21 Redshank, 140 Black-tailed Godwit, Greater Scaup and the adult Spotted Redshank was joined by a juvenile. The Top New Piece had an amazing response to the flash flooding with 400 duck and a variety of waders feasting on the food bonanza. 2 juvenile Little-ringed Plover, 43 Ringed Plover, 40 Dunlin, 6 Green Sandpiper, a Greenshank, 5 Snipe and 2 Curlew were seen.
Although not near the hides the dam and ditch construction work on the Bottom New Piece during the day produced a tame Kingfisher and Cetti's Warbler as well as flyover Snipe and Greenshanks. Yesterday the same birds were seen here with 3 Common Tern over also.
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