WWT Slimbridge sightings 18-21 May 2006

Leucistic Black-headed Gull WWT Slimbridge 21 May 2006
This bird has been seen around the reserve for a few weeks this spring. See the Mediterranean Gull pic below. The Black-headed Gulls are well established with 7-10 pairs on territory. They bred (1 pair) for the first time in 2003.

21 May 2006 M.J.McGill.
Two of the group of five first-summer Mediterranean Gulls that spent the day on the roadside field with70 Black-head Gull, 1 Common Gull and a few Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Two were ringed, one sported a darvic ring which was red with white letters/numbers. This is a high count for May. Other species noted today include 2 Black-tailed Godwit on the South Lake plus Oystercatcher with four chicks. A male Cuckoo was in the 100 Acre but otherwise it was quiet. The rain appears to have washed many of the wader nests out especially Lapwing and Little-ringed Plover. The estuary had 5 Little Egrets, 250 Shelduck, 20 Curlew, 6 Ringed Plover, c30 Dunlin and 6 Turnstone.
Up to 250 Swift fed over the fields and marshes.
20 May 2006 A male Garganey was on the Top New Piece. Mike King logged 4 adult Gannets during the gales, each one appeared over the high tide and frustratingly for me one apparently flew over where I live. I was on the M5 in Somerset at the time! See the Gloster Birder website for details.
19 May 2006 The Garganey was on the Top New Piece marsh.
18 May 2006 A large flock of c300 small waders remained miles out of sight and I only managed to get a look at a third of them. 9 Ringed Plover, c250 Dunlin, 2 Turnstone, 249 Shelduck, 28 Curlew and a Little Egret were all seen on the creeks and mud. A first-summer Little Gull fed over the 100 Acre and a single male Yellow Wagtail was on the deck at Middle Point. A pair of Little-ringed Plover were in the 100 Acre with a third on South Lake.
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