WWT Slimbridge sightings 16 and 17 May 2006

Avocets at WWT Slimbridge 17 May 2006 M.J.McGill
17 May 2006 Again it was quiet on the river with only 30 Dunlin and 20+ Curlew seen at low tide. The pair of Avocet were seen on the pool in front of the Holden Tower until 0945 when they flew out onto the mud off Middle Point. The 100 Acre held a Little-ringed Plover, singing Cuckoo and the breeding Lapwing, Redshank, Black-headed Gull and Common Terns.
On the South Lake 8 Black-tailed Godwit, a Shoveler, 50 Black-headed and 1 Common Gull and breeding Common Tern, Lapwing and Oystercatcher.
The Top New Piece held a Wigeon, a Teal, 10 Gadwall, a Little Egret, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 40 Mallard and breeding Lapwing. A male Teal was also on the Rushy.
16 May 2006 A small flock of 9 Dunlin and 23 Curlew were the only waders in the estuary. A first-summer Little Gull was on the estuary in the morning and feeding over the 100 Acre during the afternoon with Common Terns and B H Gulls. A female Wheatear remained on the foreshore. Three Black-tailed Godwit were on South Lake and a drake Garganey was on the Top New Piece. The Purple Heron was reported from the 100 Acre viewing platform during the afternoon. Please view from the allocated areas and do not enter the reserve.
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