Sunday, April 29, 2007

WWT Slimbridge sightings 27-30 April 2007 updated from yesterday

Brown Hare on the 1400 landrover safari M.J.McGill

30 April 2007 My day got of to a good start as I cycled to work, a hunting Barn Owl just down the road from my house at 0525 was preceded by 3 Yellowhammer and 2 singing Common Whitethroat. Lots of warblers were in song but the cool wind helped to keep them low. At Saul Warth, a flock of 12 Glossy Ibis fed as well as 100 Black-headed Gull, male Pintail, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank. At WWT at least 280 Bar-tailed Godwit were seen with 100 still present around the estuary at the end of the day, flocks that I noted migrating upriver between 0630-0715 numbered c130, 4, c38, and c33. A group of 8 and 6 Black-headed Gull also went north, 20 Dunlin, 7 Ringed Plover and 15 Curlew were also present in the estuary. Two single Yellow Wagtail headed north and two further birds that I saw for less than a minute yesterday were feeding briefly on the ground, one of these was a male flavissima, the other I could not get to grips with but will be researching further, it was very pale headed, reminiscent of beema but had dark markings on the sides of the breast. At Middle Point the Great Skua flew just 2ft above me and caused me some concern for a while, I could have touched it! South Lake held a Common Sandpiper, 7 male Shoveler, 2 pairs of Teal and three islandica Black-tailed Godwit, one of the males was displaying to the female with wing flagging, display flights and posturing and the evocative call all providing a fine birding expierience. Only three Teal were noted on the Top New Piece which had become a service area for 130 tired Herring/LBB Gulls which were held up by the northerly wind. A Weasel was being harrased by Jackdaw and Rook. A male Hairy Hawker was hunting around the viewing platform and further emergences of damselflies was in evidence. In addition a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling at the 100 Acre and four Glossy Ibis fed around the marshes here, I did see a single one fly north at 1240. 4 Swift were over the reedbeds.

29 April 2007 A day of good visible migration, a constant stream of Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls amounted to over 400 birds throughout the day. Small flocks of B.H. Gull were also noted, 90 on the Top New Piece and 30+ on the estuary and 8 and 10 North during the morning. At 0605 the Glossy Ibis left the roost and dispersed in smaller groups for the day. We saw them on the Birdwatch morning and both safari's. Passerines included 5 Yellow Wagtail, a Wheatear, a Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, a White Wagtail, a few Swallow, 4 Sand Martin, 4, 3, 5, 2 and 3 Swift and 2 House Martin all north. The pick of the lot was the Spotted Flycatcher around the Holden Tower/Knott Pool. Waders had improved with 110+ Bar-tailed Godwit north at 0610 followed by 13 at 0634 and a single from Middle Point, 20 Ringed Plover, 21 Dunlin, 1 Grey Plover were off Middle Point, Mike King reported a few wader species including an Avocet and 4 Knot as well as 130 Barwits off Fretherne, this ties in with the same birds that I noted from WWT. A male Red-breasted Merganser flew around the estuary at 0600 and 0640. A group of 4 Arctic Tern went north at 0620 and were also seen by Mike. TheSouth Lake held 5 Shoveler, 7 Black-tailed Godwit and 2 Common Sandpiper. 2 Hobby were feeding on emerging insects over the 100 Acre (Blue-tailed and Large Red Damselfly plus a male Hairy Hawker hunting the ditches), Mute Swan had hatched cygnets. A Greenshank was on the Tack Piece scrape and one was seen in the 50 Acre (perhaps the same).

28 April 2007 I did not do any birding today but I heard of 4 Arctic Tern that flew upriver.

27 April 2007 I did not do any birding today.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Where did the Eurasian Spoonbill seen in April come from?

I hope you saw the images I posted last week of this long-distance traveller (see the archive or scroll down the list of reports to find on the diary page). The results of the recent Eurasian Spoonbill that was seen at WWT Slimbridge from 16-22 April are as follows...

The bird had been ringed as a chick in a nest at a Waddensea Island Schiermonnikoog, a National Parc of 5400 hectare of which the ringer is the manager (Otto Overdijk). Its the easternmost Waddensea island, close to border of Germany and was ringed on 20 June 2006, and was seen around its hatching site until 30 August. It was seen twice in the company of five other Spooners in Barnstaple in Devon in October 2006, before being observed (by the original Dutch ringer!) at the Banc d’Arguin National Park which is on the Atlantic coast of Mauritania in West Africa in November 2006. The next sighting was at WWT Slimbridge when Nick Goatman found it on the WWT Slimbridge 100 Acre reserve in Gloucestershire. After feeding around the reserve and fattening up it toured the county being seen at GWT Coombe Hill reserve before arriving on 24 April at the North Norfolk Cley Bird Reserve. This bird was reported a few times from the platform to 25th at least but as you see, this cannot be possible. One must be careful of Little Egret when they fly in to the marsh or even past as they stretch their necks out in an aggressive display. They are territorial over feeding areas and this behaviour is seen daily, either that or we have another Spooner around.

What a star and the combination was clinched by a digital image. It is so good to know that the WWT reserve is a re-fueling stop for so many birds. I saw it last on Sunday morning but do not know if it was seen after this.

Glossy Ibis at WWT Slimbridge Bull Ground reserve M.J.McGill with Nikon Coolpix 995 and 4500
Glossy Ibis have to make hay while the sun shines!

Female Orange Tip in the Ox Piece M.J.McGill
26 April 2007 At least 10 Glossy Ibis fed on the reserve, the Great Skua was stealing prey from a Peregrine on the river (from Middle Point at lunch and at 1615) which apart from 161 Shelduck, a light large gull passage and 2 Dunlin was very quiet. No chats at all today! but a Lesser Whitethroat was singing near the Holden Tower. A male Garganey was present on the reserves northern marshes at 0745 as well as 9 Teal. On the Tack Piece what appeared to me to be a nominate race (Limosa limosa) Black-tailed Godwit was feeding and flew off, maybe to join the 16 Icelandic (Limosa limosa islandica) birds on South Lake. 170 Black-headed Gull were also grounded here due to the north wind with 2 pairs on the rafts. The 100 Acre has 13 pairs of territorial B.H.Gulls. Three Whimbrel flew low north over the 100 Acre viewing platform at 0900 and a Yellow Wagtail was present also.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and local sightings 24 and 25 April 2006

Glossy Ibis in the WWT Slimbridge 100 Acre reserve, M.J.McGill. How about that Marshy!
Goldfinch on a 50 Acre fence WWT Slimbridge M.J.McGill.
Brown Hare on the Tack Piece, M.J.McGill
James Lees (Leesy) finally reaches 200 species for his WWT Slimbridge recording area list with a male Yellowhammer at the South Finger (a scarce bird here these days).
26 April 2007 A fall of chats was the highlight, I saw 5 Whinchat (three males at Middle Point and a pair in the 100 Acre), 15 Wheatear (10 at Middle Point, 2 in the 50 Acre, 3 at the 100 Acre) with three of them being of Greenland type. The 17 Glossy Ibis were still present. A Willow Warbler was singing in the grounds after two days without one on site. I heard 3 Lesser Whitethroat on my rounds with 2 along the canal near Fretherne bridge at 0630, also first-summer Mediterranean Gull. On the estuary 1 Whimbrel, 20 Curlew, 10 Bar-tailed Godwit (Middle Point), 63 Dunlin and 8 Ringed Plover were complimented by 2 Common Sandpiper, 1 Green Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwits on the scrapes. 10 Swift and flocks of 15 and 30 Sand Martin were over the reserve.
25 April 2007 A Sanderling was among 23 Dunlin and 27 Ringed Plover on the estuary, at least 3 Common Sandpiper were around the reserve. 3 Common Tern inspected the nesting rafts in the 100 Acre.

Monday, April 23, 2007

WWT Slimbridge sightings 23 April 2007

23 April 2007 A big fall day was on the cards and we got it. The rain had dropped in lots of migrants and between 0700-0930 we had logged a lot of birds. I reached Middle Point after doing an hour of my duties at 0755 and an adult Little Tern was fishing offshore, the river had a few waders with a Grey Plover, 26 Curlew, 1 Whimbrel, 6 Oystercatcher, 27 Dunlin and 6 Ringed Plover during the day. A flock of 16 Black-tailed Godwit and a Green Sandpiper were also still on the reserve. After admiring the tern I carried on with the rounds and discovered a singing Wood Warbler along one of the hedges, this put JSL on 199 for his WWT list, maybe the champagne will be flowing by the weekend! We both logged the warber fall and came up with at least 50 Sedge, 25 Reed, 7 Chiffchaff,2 Lesser Whitethroat and I had a reeling Grasshopper Warbler actually on the reserve ( reserve tick for me after many years of birds being just outside the boundary or being away etc). 4 Wheatear and a Whinchat were noted plus 4 Yellow Wagtail and a White Wagtail. I also saw a first-summer Mediterranean Gull. We had a Hobby, 45 Swift, 120 Sand Martin, 30 House Martin and 20 Swallow over the 100 Acre. The 17 Glossy Ibis were still present and showed on/off all day from the platform and gate. A Speckled Wood was on the wing at the South Finger and I had Holly Blue yesterday.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

WWT Slimbridge sightings 22 April 2007

First-summer Eurasian Spoonbill with Darvic rings 71 at the Holden Tower 0750-0810 at least. all images M.J.McGill

Male Whinchat at Middle Point M.J.McGill
Glossy Ibis in the Bull Ground M.J.McGill
22 April 2007 Birds continue to arrive, apart from the 17 Glossy Ibis, the Spoonbill, at least 15 Swift, 40 Sand Martin, 20 House Martin, 2 Whinchats, 12 Wheatear (inc 2 Greenland race), 1 Common Sandpiper, 16 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Common Whitethroat, 6 Willow Warbler and other common migrants. We have also heard reports of 2 Pied Flycatcher in Green Lane.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and Gloucestershire sightings 21 April 2007

Glossy Ibis at the WWT Slimbridge 100 Acre reserve.
Part of the impressive flock in flight over the WWT Slimbridge 100 Acre marsh.
Another very welcome county lifer, Stone Curlew on Cleeve Hill
Stop press; see video footage of the Glossy Ibis and Great Skua on the photos/gallery page. Click on the icon to and use buttons to play.
21 April 2007 What a morning.....!!!! the 17 Glossy Ibis performed for all gathered, a wonderful moment especially for Reserve Manager Dave Paynter when they fed in one of the ponds he had dug out in the early nineties. 2 Yellow Wagail and Whinchat were also seen here and Cuckoo was calling. I was on site from 0600-0845 when I was tempted to Cleeve Hill for a great find by Mark Dowie, thanks to him for giving my 7 year old son Joseph McGill and I our first Gloucestershire Stone Curlew. I was much impressed by how the finder and Duncan Dine had it pinned down where it was not being disturbed at all, everyone that turned up while I was there saw it well as it rested in the grass. At least 2 Ring Ouzel were seen but were elusive due to the bikes, dogs, joggers, walkers and birders present..we all want a piece of the hill. A quick jaunt to Hawling gave us and our companions Neil Smart and Mike King, 20+ Fieldfare, a pair of Curlew, 3 incubating Lapwing, Wheatear, Yellowhammer and 5 Corn Bunting (two jangling). A fantastic 24 hour period and still time for more.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Record flock?of Glossy Ibis at WWT Slimbridge 100 Acre

20 April 2007 These images were taken after 2000 hrs so it was dark! A flock of 17 Glossy Ibis were feeding in the 100 Acre marshes from 1930 at least, they were found by John Overfield while birding on the WWT platform, he called the news out and got the ball rolling quickly. Many county birders, myself included are grateful to John for giving everyone the chance to see them. This is the third record for Glos and the first for the WWT Slimbridge reserve recording area. If visiting the birds tommorrow please note that car parking can be a problem in Frampton on Severn and is often limited on a weekend. We are at a crucial stage with the breeding waders (shedule 1 birds included) among other species so do not enter the fields unless accompanied by a warden. Access only from the permissive Green Lane footpath shutting all gates behind you. The lane is found along the Gloucester to Sharpness towpath from Slimbridge (half a mile to the birds) and the platform and viewing gateway can be located about two thirds along this trail. A Noctule Bat, Cuckoo, Hobby and 3 Ruff were also present at dusk.

WWT Slimbridge sightings 18 and 19 April 2007

Breeding Black-headed Gull with Darvic (2A00) at the 100 Acre
Surfers presumably trying to break the world record for longest surf on the Severn bore? image from 50 Acre seawall Surfers on the boreNorthern Wheatear at Middle Point M.J.McGill
20 April 2007 The first-summer Spoonbill was on the Dumbles scrape/pool near the HoldenTower.
19 April 2007 A few more migrants arrived with 1 Little-ringed Plover, 3 singing Lesser Whitethroats, 12 Sedge Warbler, 1 Reed Warbler, 3 Willow Warbler, 12 Blackcap, 12 Chiffchaff, 2 Wheatear including a singing bird, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 2 Common Sandpipers, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit and the usual 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Spotted Redshank, 2 Little Stint. No sign of the Garganey or Spoonbill today. The first Hairy Hawker or Dragonfly was seen in the 100 Acre Green Lane near the viewing platform ( Mr and Mrs Twissell). On the tide for the third day running a group of 7 surfers with support boat were presumably going for a world record on the mighty Severn bore. They began on the main channel off Middle Point and rode the wave from there and upriver out of view. Some fell off whilst adjacent to Frampton.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and local sightings 17 and 18 April 2007

18 April 2007 A mass emergence of Large Red Damselfy occured in one particular 100 Acre ditch, at least 30 were noted. The first-summer Spoonbill remained in the 100/50 Acre marshes although it can be mobile. Lesser Whitethroats were singing at the 100 Acre platform and the car park hedge at WWT. A Cuckoo sang in the 100 Acre and surrounds for most of the day. Little Stints, Dunlin and Spotted Redshank were all seen in the marshes here. A flock of 17 Dunlin, 56 Curlew and 25 Dunlin were on the Dumbles edge. At least three Wheatear were in the Bottom New Piece. At least 7 Sedge Warbler and 2 Reed Warbler were 'in' and other migrants included 2 Yellow Wagtail, 20+ Sand Martin, 10 Swallow and a flocks of Herring and Lesser BB Gulls.
We all conducted a full breeding wader survey and I coverered the Frampton Pill to Fretherne section. I saw a few migrants and breeding birds in this area which included singing Lesser Whitethroat, 2 second-summer Mediterranean Gull that went straight upriver and over Fretherne at 0810, 8 Sand Martin north, a Little-ringed Plover north, a female Wheatear, single Yellow Wagtail over, 5 Little Egret, a singing Cetti's Warbler. The Great Skua was on the river as were 7 surfers, a backup boat and jetski that looked to be attempting the longest world surfing record. 3 Bar-tailed Godwit and a Dunlin were also seen. The marshes between 0700-0800 at least held the Marbled Duck, a Ruff (still in non-breeding plumage), a Little-ringed Plover, 6 pairs of Redshank and 9;3 Lapwing (these birds are highly sensitive and the landowner and land managers request that it is only viewed from the canal towpath and viewing bank). More breeding waders should colonise as the water levels drop.

At Townfield Lake this evening there was two first winter/summer and an adult Little Gull. Yesterday there were also 3 tern sp and 2 Common Sandpiper.

17 April 2007 2 male Garganey were in the 100 Acre flashes and marshes.

Late news includes a male Pied Flycatcher at the South Finger on 15th (we found out on 16th), a flock of 78 Curlew migrated north on 15th and were independently seen by two other observers over Frampton on Severn. The Spoonbill arrived during the evening of 16th (NP Goatman) a Whimbrel was also seen.

Monday, April 16, 2007

WWT Slimbridge sightings 16 April 2007

The first Large Red Damslefly of 2007 at the South Finger, WWT, Slimbridge
Great Skua killing a Shelduck off Middle Point
Great Skua loafing way out on the estuary.
16 April 2007 Highlight for me was the first Large Red Damselfly and 2 Grass Snake. Not a bad day for visible bird migration with a constant passage of Herring and LBB Gulls (350), many rested on the Top New Piece, South Lake and a few on the river due to the hard struggle into a Northerly headwind. Flocks of 60, 40 and 25 Black-headed and 20 Common were also noted. While still on the larid theme the adult summer and first summer Mediterranean Gull were in and over the 100 Acre, again circling over the viewing platform feeding on insects with 70 Black-headed Gull. My day started with a the now resident Great Skua floating on the tide, later at 1630 I saw it killing a Shelduck that was sleeping on a sandbar until it was woken by this gruesome but effective killer. Waders were still much the same with Temminck's and 6 Little Stint joining 15 Dunlin, 3 Spotted Redshank and 7 Oystercatcher in the 100 Acre, I saw another ? 2 Spotted Redshank on the Top New Piece later in the day.
Passerine interest for me included the first Reed Warbler (Robbie Garnett hide), 3 Sedge Warblers (2 100 Acre, 1 South Finger reedbed), a Blue-headed Wagtail 100 Acre (it was perched atop a willow in the reedbed nearest the viewing gateway but flew off high North, male Wheatear that was in the entrance to a rabbit burrow near Holden Tower and 40 migrant Meadow Pipit. I did the Wetland Bird survey toady and counted 16 Little Grebe, 10 GC Grebe, 11 Cormorant, 8 Little Egret, 7 Grey Heron, 231 Mute Swan, 107 Greylag, 32 Canada Goose plus goslings in the Rushy, 260 Wigeon, 13 Wigeon, 40 Gadwall, 148 Teal, 4 Pintail, 32 Shoveler, 143 Tufted Duck, 112 Coot, 220 Moorhen, 2 Ruddy Duck, 20 Redshank, 20 Oystercatcher, 60 Lapwing. South Lake had a Green Sandpiper and 5 Black-tailed Godwit, I never spoke to any other birders today so do not have any extra news to add.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and local sightings 14 and 15 April 2007

Male Northern Wheatear at Middle Point, M.J.McGill
Sandwich Terns off Middle Point
15 April 2007 I had a good day for gulls with an adult and second-summer Mediterranean Gull over (heard first) and eventually in the 100 Acre. A third bird was calling high up with the feeding Black-headed Gulls. The Temminck's Stint and 6-7 Little Stint were in the 100 Acre along with 12 Dunlin, Spotted Redshank and a male Garganey. I saw 2 Whimbrel along the foreshore this morning with another in the 100 Acre at 1645. Other highlights were 6 Black-tailed Godwit on South Lake, our breeding Swallows back on territory, 3 male Wheatear at Middle Point, 2 adult Little Gulls and a first winter/summer Mediterranean Gull off Middle Point at 1350. Three Sandwich Terns were also present here at 1630. Other bird reported included the Green Sandpiper, 8+ Willow Warbler and 8 Little Egret. We saw 5 Brown Hares on the 1100 safari. The Marbled Duck was still at Frampton on Severn.
14 April 2007 James reported a male Garganey, 1st summer Little Gull, Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat amongst the other species. I had 3 House Martins over my Whitminster garden.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Gloucestershire sightings 13 April 2007

Southern Cassowary
Inca Tern
Pied Imperial Pigeon

13 April 2007 I went out for a walk along the canal from Fretherne bridge to Splatt bridge to see what is happening with breeding waders. Water levels are high here which is a good thing and there are at least six pairs of Lapwing on territory. Redshank are also on territory but I will need to wear wellies to conduct the usual surveys for this species. The Marbled Duck was still present and displaying to the accompanying Teal, several pairs of Pintail and around 30 Gadwall were also present as well as Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and a singing Cetti's Warbler which is the first I have ever heard here. Swallow was back on territory in the area.
The species that are pictured above were recorded in the afternoon and unfortunatley outside of Gloucestershire at Bristol Zoo.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and Gloucestershire sightings 12 April 2007

Common Coot with young, 100 Acre WWT Slimbridge M.J.McGill.

12 April 2007 Another day with notable migration, I saw at least a single Fieldfare and Siskin heading NE, 3 Swallows N, 40 Meadow Pipit (grounded), 3 Sand Martin S, 8 Golden Plover in breeding plumage with what was probably part of the same flock in the 100 Acre (four), 10 Black-t-Godwit (8 South Lake and 2 100 Acre) all in breeding plumage and the islandica form, the Temminck's Stint, 5 Little Stint, 22 Dunlin (five of the wintering birds and the rest were new migrants and in breeding plumage). Two moulting Spotted Redshank and 14 Redshank and 36 Lapwing in breeding mode. All of the 100 Acre birds were viewable from the WWT platform, access from the Green Lane permissive path. Do not enter the fields here. I saw a male Orange Tip at the Bottom New Piece and recorded 6 Brown Hare on the 0700 safari. M.J.McGill. I did not see any Wheatear today.

The Marbled Duck was still on the Fretherne/Saul Lodge/Frampton marshes.

I have uploaded a few images from the Anser Extremedura trip and a short movie of Black-winged Kite also. To view look at the trip reports page.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and local sightings 10 and 11 April 2007

11 April 2007 At least nine Brown Hare seen today with 7 actually boxing at 0800 and still on the safari at 1100. I forgot to mention the female Merlin that perched in the ash tree above the 100 Acre viewing platform yesterday.

Migration has finally got underway again with a Little-ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper on the Top New Piece, 5 Black-t-Godwits on the South Lake, 5 Wheatear, 7 Willow Warbler, 8 Blackcap, 20+ Chiffchaff, 1 Yellow Wagtail north over the 50 Acre, 3 Swallow through (two on territory in the village) and the 100 Acre had a White Wagtail, the Temminck's Stint, 4 Little Stint, 6 Dunlin, breeding plumage Spotted Redshank 1 Ringed Plover (all from WWT viewing platform) and Sedge Warbler singing. At least 3 Cetti's Warbler were in song here with one a the South Finger also. The pair of Greater Scaup were on the Top New Piece. M.J.McGill.

The Marbled Duck was again reported from Frampton on Severn.

10 April 2007 I began the day at 0700 with a Brown Hare safari which for the second day running was highly succesful with 7 animals seen very well and boxing behaviour in evidence. We saw 5 yesterday on the 1100 safari. Places are available for the 0700 on Thursday 12 April, contact Rebecca Law at WWT Slimbridge for details click on the link below.... .

Todays birds showed a little more promise...1 Green Sandpiper, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Little Stint, 1 Spotted Redshank, 5 Snipe and 10 Dunlin were seen on the scrapes and 100 Acre marsh. 60 Black-headed Gull dropped into the 100 Acre at 1330 which added to the 36 residents. A first-winter/summer Mediterranean Gull was also present. 2 male and 1 female Wheatear were on the Dumbles/Middle Point, 4 House Martins were over the Rushy (two yesterday) and I saw 2 male Orange Tip butterflies today at the extreme south and north ends of the reserve. I had a Holly Blue in my Whitminster garden today, a garden tick for the new house.

No sign of the Roe Deer that I saw yesterday but Dave P saw it at the S Finger on 6 April and JSL saw it over a week ago in the same place. The river was again very quiet.

The Marbled Duck was again on the marshes viewable from the canal towpath.

Monday, April 09, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and Gloucestershire sightings 9 April 2007

Marbled Duck at Saul Warth/Frampton Marshes aka the Severn Lands

The cattle are back on the reserve and await the Yellow Wagtails!

The first brood of reserve Mallard ducklings in the Bull Ground

9 April 2007 No reports this week due to myself and James being in Extremedura, Spain. A trip report will appear soon in the relevant section as well as images from the succesful trip. A few migrants around today with 5 Willow Warbler, 6 Blackcap, 25 Chiffchaff and Little Ringed Plover noted. A Green Sandpiper remains on the Tack Piece and a few Black-tailed Godwit are also on site. The 100 Acre has 2 Spotted Redshank, 3+ Little Stint and 15 Dunlin as well as 8 Little Egrets and plenty of duck and breeding waders. The river is very quiet.

A Marbled Duck which is not from WWT was on the marshes between Frampton on Severn and Saul Warth. The fields here are private but the site can be viewed from public footpaths along the canal and from Saul Lodge. Please park sensibly as it is limited in the village. A Little ringed Plover and a fine selection of duck including Gadwall, Teal and Pintail were also present.

Ring Ouzels are back in numbers with Cleeve Hill being the best site; please view them carefully as they are very shy and suffer a lot of disturbance from various leisure activities on the hill.

8 April 2007 An immature Glaucous Gull was on the Tack Piece. This may be erroneous as a large pale gull ( I have not seen it myself) has been sat in the same place for three days in the place that the Glauc was reported from.

Monday, April 02, 2007

WWT Slimbridge and local sightings 1-2 April 2007

2 April 2007 A flock of 18 Black-tailed Godwit were on South Lake along with 3 Redshank, the former birds may have been the same as was seen in the 100 Acre this afternoon. At least 3 Little Stint were among the c30 Dunlin and the Spotted Redshank (belly now turning black) was with 9 Redshank in the floods. A constant stream of migrants were on the move today, I saw a single and three Lesser Redpoll plus many Meadow Pipits, Herring Gulls and Sand Martins also on the move. At Berkeley Power station (Bob Radford) a similar picture was obvious but with the added attraction of Osprey heading north (around eight have been seen in Glos this week, four today scattered between the Water Park, Severn and New Fancy View). Two Swallow and 2 Wheatear were also noted here with a few Ringed Plover seen on the river. Also a Marsh Harrier was reported from the Splatt Bridge area yesterday evening. No sign of Wilson's Phalarope in the 100 Acre. I also had a first-summer Mediterranean Gull at Frampton on Severn, Townfield Lake.

1 April 2007 I was at the Cup Final at the Millenium stadium (Bristol Rovers v Doncaster Rovers 2-3 AET) along with a few other Gloucestershire birders so no birding today but a Greenshank was in the 100 Acre (as ever view from the WWT platform or Green Lane gateway). I did get a few calls asking about a Wilson's Phalarope at the 100 Acre but knew nothing about it.