Glossy Ibis at WWT Slimbridge Bull Ground reserve M.J.McGill with Nikon Coolpix 995 and 4500

26 April 2007 At least 10 Glossy Ibis fed on the reserve, the Great Skua was stealing prey from a Peregrine on the river (from Middle Point at lunch and at 1615) which apart from 161 Shelduck, a light large gull passage and 2 Dunlin was very quiet. No chats at all today! but a Lesser Whitethroat was singing near the Holden Tower. A male Garganey was present on the reserves northern marshes at 0745 as well as 9 Teal. On the Tack Piece what appeared to me to be a nominate race (Limosa limosa) Black-tailed Godwit was feeding and flew off, maybe to join the 16 Icelandic (Limosa limosa islandica) birds on South Lake. 170 Black-headed Gull were also grounded here due to the north wind with 2 pairs on the rafts. The 100 Acre has 13 pairs of territorial B.H.Gulls. Three Whimbrel flew low north over the 100 Acre viewing platform at 0900 and a Yellow Wagtail was present also.
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