20 March 2006 James Lees caught it this morning. It appears to be the first ever ringed at WWT. Around the reserve today were 40
Dunlin, 19
Golden Plover, 4
Bar-tailed Godwit, 3
Little Egrets, 1
Chiffchaff, 4
Ruff, 5
G.C. Grebe, 12
Siskin, 3
Lesser Redpoll (one male very rosy), 40
Redwing, 40
Chaffinch, 30
Reed Bunting.Image 1 First-summer male Greater Scaup at WWT Slimbridge 20 March 2006 M.J.McGill
Image 2 First-summer male Greater Scaup at WWT Slimbridge 20 March 2006 M.J.McGill
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