WWT Slimbridge Reserve/Anser Birding staff in Dorset
Image 1 James Lees and Bob Radford making Mute Swan nests at the Swannery. One bird moved in about ten minutes later and claimed the site. The Swannery is not far from Bridport or Weymouth and is well worth a visit. It re-opens this weekend for the summer.13 and 14 March 2006 A visit to Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset to collect reeds for use on the WWT Slimbridge Reserve gave us the chance to do a bit of birding in this great part of England. The WWT team stayed at Portland Bird Observatory. The Obs garden held two showy Brambling and Reed Bunting. On the sea at least three Red-throated and one Black-throated Diver passed by. Two and three Common Scoter headed east with c25 on the sea, three Eider were also seen off theBill. Kittiwake, Fulmar, Gannet and Guillemot were all feeding offshore. The Obs has had further improvements and is very comfortable. It has been improving steadily for many years and a stay is very rewarding. See the Links page for PBO information including sightings.
Image 2 One of the Brambling in the Obs garden (M.J.McGill)
At Ferrybridge the usual Red-breasted Mergansers and c25 Dark-bellied Brent Geese could be seen. At Abbotsbury the herd of 600 Mute Swan were present on the Fleet with 5 Greater Scaup among the diving duck.
Image 3 Loading reeds to haul back to Gloucestershire, you should see them in use around the Duck Decoy soon. Thanks to the Abbotsbury team for having us and supplying the quality phragmites.

Most of the trip was work, we only did a little bit of birding and eating of fried breakfast and lunch and coffee/tea drinking and a few beers etc etc.
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