Birding diary 1 - 31 December 2007
16-31 December 2007 I saw out the rest of the year at home/work where the highlights were the arrival of more wildfowl particularly Bewick's Swans at WWT and a now resident male Blackcap and a one day female in the garden.
14-16 December 2007 A rather good birding trip to Dorset and Hampshire in fairly trying weather conditions, we still recorded over 100 species with highlights being the very tame Purple Sandpipers at Sandbanks, Long-tailed Ducks from the Poole bird boat and Bearded Tits at Radipole. A trip report will appear on the trip reports page soon.
13 December 2007 The Tundra Bean Goose and 234 E.White-fronted Geese were still on the Tack Piece at WWT. I had great views of the Bittern on the ice this morning. A party of 5 Siskin were feeding in the Holden Tower path Alders and a Redpoll was around the South Finger. At least 107 Bewick's Swans were on the reserve. A quick visit to Fretherne on the way home and I saw the Cattle Egret easily with a number of Little Egrets.
Bittern at WWT Slimbridge 13 December 2007 image by M.J.McGill
12 December 2007 I made a quick check from the Holden Tower this morning and the E.White-fronts had risen from 107 yesterday to 234 today and had the decency to bring a Tundra Bean Goose with them. 2 Spotted Redshank were on the Long Ground Pool. 103 Bewick's Swans were in.

The Bittern is still showing most days from the Zeiss Hide, WWT Slimbridge image by MJMcGill, taken on 13 and 10 November 2007 with Nikon Coolpix 4500 and Swarovski 65 scope with 30 WA lens, hand held.

3 December 2007 On the way to work a male Merlin flew over the A38 at 0750 heading east. The American Golden Plover was again on the Dumbles.
2 December 2007 I saw the American Golden Plover was again on the Dumbles this afternoon.
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