Birding Diary update 23 to 29 October 2007
Male Eurasian Teal close up image by M.J.McGill

Highlights in what has been a busy period at work since returning from Scilly are as follows..
29 October 2007 At WWT, 25 Bewick's Swan, 45+ E.White-fronted Geese, Water Rail, 2 Redpoll, 2 Rock Pipit, 2 Jack Snipe, 3 Ruff and a Little Stint were the pick of my personal sightings. A few Common Darters were still in tandem and egg laying.
28 October 2007 Migrant Hawker on the wing and an immature female Goshawk were the highlights, 2 Redpoll, lots of Redwing/Fieldfare, 4 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Grey Plover, 350 Golden Plover, 300 Dunlin and 2 Ruff were also noted.
26 and 27 October 2007 No birding.
25 October 2007 A Rock Pipit, 13 Siskin, 150 Fieldfare, Brambling in the Decoy and Redpoll over south.
23 and 24 October 2007 No or very little birding.
The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly trip report 16-22 October 2007 on the trip report section also the Finland Anser trip in June 2007 now live...