WWT Slimbridge sightings 15-19 March 2007

19 March 2007 A large gull passage in evidence, 40 Herring and 250 LBB Gulls were logged north between 0830-1000. A party of 8 Golden Plover were new migrants. In the 100 Acre were 3+ Little Stint, 2 Snipe, 42 Black-tailed Godwit which included a colour ringed bird (they flushed when an immature Peregrine went over and headed north), 50 Dunlin. 2 Little Egret. A Spotted Redshank joined 5 Redshank and a Black-tailed Godwit on South Lake. The Wetland Bird Survey revealed just shy of 3,000 wetland birds on site. The cold clear weather is making it harder to find birds and there has been a definite clearout of birds. Only around 4 Chiffchaff were heard today.
18 March 2007 A group of c70 Common Gull had clearly had a rough time whilst migrating and were resting in the 100 Acre, further small groups were in the road fields and Tack Piece. The Great Skua was on the estuary and a pair of Greater Scaup were on the Long Ground Pool. 2 Sand Martin were seen over South Lake.
15 March 2007 At least 6 Little Egret were in the 100 Acre.
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